800-564-5927 [email protected]

CCAPP invites you to become a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor III CA (CADC-III CA)

The CADC III CA demonstrates an advanced level of experience that tells consumers and employers that you have commitment and dedication. You are a leader and a respected member of your treatment team. Advancement to this level demonstrates competency that comes from applying the skills you’ve learned in ways that have withstood the test of time. Becoming a CADC III CA lets you stand out in any treatment workplace.

“Nothing can replace the wisdom that experience brings. I’m glad to be a CADC-III CA with CCAPP because I know that when I apply for a job my CADC-III CA certification puts my resume on top of the stack, and when the State of California offers a license for AOD counselors, I’ll be at the top of the list as the most qualified in my field.”

Benefits of CCAPP’s Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor III CA Credential:

  • Approval to be employed at state-licensed and certified facilities
  • Recognition of skills and competencies required to treat clients in any setting
  • The security of knowing that you are on the path to the highest levels of certification in California
  • The pride that comes with saying, “I’m a CCAPP CADC-III CA!”

Requirements for applying for the Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor III CA Credential:

  • 315 hours approved education
  • 255 hours supervised work experience (field practicum)
  • 4,000 hours supervised work experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree

Fees and Discounts

Portfolio ReviewWritten Exam
***Portfolio review and written exam are required at the time of submission

Application Processing Times

Application processing times can take four to six weeks. All steps in an application must be submitted in full, must be complete, and must be accurate. An application is complete when every step has a green bubble. A green bubble with a white checkmark means CCAPP staff have verified and approved the step. Any step that is rejected will have a red bubble and must be corrected by the applicant. The processing time will be delayed and not resume until the applicant corrects the rejected step and re-submits all/any rejected steps. Click here for more tips and tricks for our online certifying platform, Certemy.

Certemy User Tips!

Account Set-Up
Completing an application