800-564-5927 [email protected]

CCAPP Credentialing

Transferring is Easy!

Bring your current certification over to CCAPP and receive an equivalent credential quickly, with our new Transfer Application!

Free transfers for all certified counselors and free first renewals for transferred counselors.*


Why CCAPP Credentialing?

The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals is the longest standing credentialing organization in California. Formed in 1972, CCAPP has over 50 years of experience, stability, and expertise to offer the highest quality certification. The mission of CCAPP Credentialing is to license and certify qualified addiction-focused professionals towards attaining the highest professional standards.

CCAPP Credentials have been around longer than any other SUD certification in California. We exceed state and national standards ensuring consumer protection.

Apply for Transfer

Applying for a transfer with CCAPP has never been easier. Begin your application today and, rest assured, you’ll soon be calling yourself a CCAPP professional!


We are here to help! We have put together a comprehensive frequently asked questions (FAQ) section with you in mind, ensuring utmost clarity and assistance.

Transfer your credentials from CAADE (ACCBC) or CADTP to CCAPP and receive a certificate equivalent to your current certification. After your transfer, you will get your first renewal absolutely free!

The above link opens a new application in Certemy (Cert-eh-mee), our application processing system. If you already have a Certemy account, do not create a new one, simply log in.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Transfer Plus Application Questions


What is the CCAPP Transfer Application?

The new CCAPP Transfer application allows you to quickly receive a DHCS-approved credential equivalent to the current credential you hold from CAADE or CADTP. Upon verification of good standing of your current credential from the organization you are transferring from, you receive a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) credential with the words “Equivalent to [Previous Credential]”, which allows you to retain your certification level and eligible work status. You will be allowed to renew and work with this credential for as long as you need.

What makes the CCAPP Transfer Plus different from a normal transfer?

We understand how confusing figuring out how requirements in different organizations match up during transfers is. So, we created this unique transfer process to make it easier for you. The CCAPP Transfer Plus process is a streamlined transfer process that allows applicants to retain their certification level without wading through the red tape of figuring out where their old credential falls on the CCAPP career ladder. With the CCAPP Transfer, you receive a credential with the words “Equivalent to [Previous Credential]”, which allows you to retain your certification level. You will be allowed to renew and work with this credential for as long as you need.

If you fill out the optional Transfer Plus step of this application, when your “CADC Equivalent to [Previous Credential]” is approved, you will also receive an invitation to a customized Transfer Plus application. Take your time and when you decide you are ready, provide the documentation needed to translate that “CADC Equivalent to [Previous Credential]” to a CADC I/II/III or LAADC. CCAPP will do the work for you and ensure you receive the application you need to find your new home on the CCAPP career ladder. Transferring doesn’t have to be hard, let us do the work for you.

What is the Transfer Plus step of my CCAPP Transfer application? Why is it optional?

The Transfer Plus step of your CCAPP Transfer application is the optional step where you tell us a little bit about your education and experience. It is a couple of simple yes or no questions that help us determine the best Transfer Plus application for you. This step of your transfer application is completely optional because you do not need to fill out the questions in the step to obtain a DHCS-approved CADC credential equivalent to your CAADE/CADTP credential. You only need to fill out this step if you wish to obtain the CCAPP career ladder equivalent to your “CADC Equivalent to [Previous Credential]” credential. Even if you choose not to initiate this process, your application will be processed and result in a valid renewable CADC credential as long as you complete the rest of the application as needed.

If and when you decide you would like to receive the CCAPP career ladder equivalent credential, simply fill out the Transfer Plus step in your application. Easy, right?

How much will the transfer cost?

The CCAPP Transfer is free for ALL applications submitted. Also, your first renewal is free (valued at up to $400)!

How much will renewal of the CCAPP Transfer Plus be?

As a special promotion, your first renewal of the CCAPP Transfer Plus will be FREE if your current credential expires between June 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024! Any subsequent renewals will be at regular CCAPP renewal prices. Please see CCAPP’s fee schedule. You may also look into a CCAPP membership for discounts on renewals, membership benefits, and more.

Must I be current with CAADE/CADTP to transfer?

Yes, you must have valid certification to transfer under the transfer plus program. If you are already expired see “What do I do if my credential is already expired?”.

What happens if my certification expires this week or in the next 30 days?

If your expiration date is approaching, it is important to apply for a transfer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 30-day processing times are normal. However, CCAPP Transfer applications are processed by order of expiration date. We will do our very best to approve your application for your CADC as quickly as possible. Once approved you will need to apply for renewal immediately. Be prepared to upload proof of CEs. Your renewal application will be on Certemy. Begin the renewal on the day your transfer is approved in order to meet renewal deadlines. Remember, if your expiration date is between June 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024, your renewal is FREE!

What do I do if my credential is already expired?

Initiate and complete your transfer then follow CCAPP’s lapsed credential policy to regain active status on your credential.

CCAPP’s lapsed credential policy states:

Applicants with expired credentials will be required to pay all associated fees and penalties and meet one of the following conditions based on the circumstances listed:

  •       If certification lapse is less than six months, the counselor must request in writing to be granted a six-month extension from the current certification expiration date if certification renewal documentation will not be provided. An extension does not make the certification active, your certification will still be considered expired, but the individual requesting the extension will not fall into a lapse period which may require submitting of a full application, retaking examinations, etc. The individual will need to provide all required continuing education units (CEU), and professional development hours (PDH) per renewal policy and pay fees per renewal application/policies.
  •       If certification lapse is longer than six months, but less than one year, the counselor must request in writing to renew. The board may require additional education or requirements in order to renew certification after lapsing for this period of time.
  •       If certification lapse is longer than one year, but less than two years, the counselor must request in writing for an inactive application, and will be required to submit 50 CEU’s (40 from an approved provider with six in counselor ethics, 10 professional development hours (PDH)) to renew a currently expired credential to next renewal period. The applicant will be required to submit renewal at next renewal and adhere to all current renewal requirements.
  •       If certification lapse is longer than two years but less than six, the counselor will be required to submit 50 CEU’s (40 approved provider with six in counselor ethics, 10 PDH) for every two years expired for up to six years.
  •       If certification lapse is longer than six years, the counselor must request in writing to apply for certification as if an original applicant.
  •       Please note: If an applicant was a Subject Matter Expert (SME) within the last six years, they are not eligible to retake the examination that they assisted in developing.”
Do I need a membership to transfer?

No, you do not need a CCAPP membership to transfer although having a CCAPP membership does give you a deep discount for all your application and renewal fees. Please note you will need to be a member when you renew your credential for membership rates to apply.  Please see our individual membership page for information on the discounts and benefits of being a CCAPP member.

Transfer Application Tutorial

CCAPP has made this step-by-step video to walk you through each step of the application. We believe you will find the application to be easy, especially after viewing this video. You can pause it and follow along while you work on your application if you wish.  

Get In Touch

Have questions? Use the chat feature at the bottom right of this page during business hours. After hours, the chat turns into an email option. You may also fill out the contact form to the right.


2400 Marconi Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95821


(800) 564-5927